Sunday, July 3, 2011

My First Book Review

Oh, wow!  What am I doing anyway?  Well, just to add a new dimension to my life, I decided to give book reviewing a try.  I love to read . . . and since I'm our church librarian . . . and since the books that I review are free . . . and since I will donate the books to the church library . . . it seems the perfect fit.  So please bear with me.  Hopefully I'll get better at this with time.  Soon preferably.  Well, here goes.

The Blessing by John Trent, Ph.D., and Gary Smalley.

What is the blessing and why does it matter?

The blessing is meant to convey unconditional love and acceptance. John Trent digs into the biblical ideas behind the blessing and shares how its principles can be used in any intimate relationship – children, spouses, church family, extended family, friends. Trent found that the blessing as used in Scripture always contained five elements – meaningful touch, a spoken message, attaching high value, picturing a special future, and an active commitment. I like that Trent included lots of scripture references. After reading this book, you will know how to give the gift of the blessing. It will be life changing for both you and for someone in your life.

I love that the authors included the Bible story of the brothers Esau and Jacob. Esau had reached the age to receive the blessing from his father, Isaac. According to custom, only the oldest son received the blessing. The father, old and nearly blind, was tricked by Jacob, the younger, into giving him the blessing that should have been given to Esau. Every time I read this story I can feel the anguish in Esau’s cry, “Do you only have one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also, O my father.” It was sad to read the personal stories of ruined lives caused by parents who were so demanding and impossible to please, parents who constantly criticized or cut down. However, the book also provided many examples of those who were blessed by someone important in their life. It greatly encouraged me to make sure I’m not missing any opportunities to bless my family or those around me.

*This book was received free in exchange for my unbiased review through the Thomas Nelson BookSneeze Program.