Annie’s Ink-Lings
Hello and welcome!
Star Book project that I’m sharing today, which I titled,
“9 Characteristics
of a Joy Filled Life” was started several months ago.

When the book is opened with the end ribbons tied in a bow, it is shaped like a star. Using different 3 shades of 5 different colors for the pages makes a lovely star rainbow.
I had completed one Star Book and gifted it to
a very special person in my life. The plan was to make a second one for myself, but I kept putting it aside for other
projects. Inspiration to complete it
came unexpectedly during my Bible study the other day in Romans 12 about the Gifts
of the Spirit. Romans 12 contains the
motivational gift that God, by His grace, has given every believer. They are Prophecy, Ministry, Teaching,
Exhortation, Giving, Ruling, and Mercy. As
we become open to the Spirit, He adds the manifestations of the Spirit, as well
as ministry in the Spirit. These
manifestations of the Spirit are called the Fruit of the Spirit.
The fruit of the Spirit are
the godly attitudes that characterize the lives of only those who belong to God
by faith in Christ and possess the Spirit of God. The fruit that the Spirit
produces consists of nine characteristics or attitudes that are inseparably linked
with each other. They are Love, Joy,
Peace, Longsuffering, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and
Self-Control (Galatians 5:22).
Star Books do take a bit of
time, but oh so worth the effort! I have
mine displayed on the coffee table in hopes that all who take the time to read
it will be blessed.
Measurements for Pages
White (cut 5) 12 x 3 inches
3 Shades of Pink (cut one of each shade) 9x3 inches; 10x3 inches;
11x3 inches
3 Shades of Green (cut one of each shade) 9x3 inches; 10x3 inches;
11x3 inches
3 Shades of Yellow (cut one of each shade) 9x3 inches; 10x3 inches;
11x3 inches
3 Shades of Blue (cut one of each shade) 9x3 inches; 10x3 inches;
11x3 inches
3 Shades of Lavender (cut one of each shade) 9x3 inches; 10x3 inches;
11x3 inches
If this is your first starbook, this tutorial shows the basics of assembling the pages. I think it will be the better option rather me me attempting to list all the steps. It's usually easier when you watch something being done.
Prepare Scripture Pages
Computer print onto light color specialty paper. I used Gold Dust metallic fleck, a business paper from Southworth Paper Collections.
Cut each scripture to this size: 4-1/4 x 2-3/4 inches. Round all corners.
Layer each scripture page onto a black panel 4-5/8 x 2-7/8 inches, then attach to star book pages.
Page 1
Page 2
Printing Setup
In Word, go to Layout, choose narrow margins, and 2 columns. Copy and past the scriptures below. Space them out over two pages in order to trim to proper size, then print.
The fruit of the Spirit are the godly attitudes that
characterize the lives of only those who belong to God by faith in Christ and
possess the Spirit of God. The Spirit produces fruit which consists of nine
characteristics or attitudes that are inextricably linked with each other and
are commanded of believers throughout the New Testament.
Love. One of several Greek words for love, agape,
is the love of choice, referring not to an emotional affection, physical
attraction, or a familial bond, but to respect, devotion, and affection that
leads to willing, self-sacrificial service (John
15:13; Rom. 5:8; 1 John 3:16,17).
Joy. A happiness based on unchanging divine
promises and eternal spiritual realities. It is the sense of well-being experienced by
one who knows all is well between himself and the Lord
(1 Pet. 1:8). Joy is not the
result of favorable circumstances, and even occurs when those circumstances are
the most painful and severe (John 16:20-22). Joy is a gift from God, and as such, believers
are not to manufacture it but to delight in the blessing they already possess (Rom. 14:17; PhiI.4:4).
Peace. The inner calm that results from, confidence
in, one's saving relationship with Christ. The verb form denotes binding together and is
reflected in the expression "having it all together." Like joy, peace is not related to one's circumstances
(John 1:27; Rom. 8:28; Phil. 4:6,7,9).
Longsuffering. Patience which refers to the ability to endure
injuries inflicted by others and the willingness to accept irritating or
painful situations (Eph.4:2; CoI.3:12; 1 Tim. 1:15, 16). Tender concern for others, reflected in a
desire to treat others gently, just as the Lord treats all believers (Matt. 11:28,29; 19:13,14; 2 Tim. 2:24).
Goodness. Moral and spiritual excellence manifested in
active kindness (Rom. 5:7). Believers are commanded to exemplify goodness (6:1 b; 2 Thess. 1:11).
Faithfulness. Loyalty and trustworthiness (Lam. 3:22; Phil. 2:7-9; 1 Thess. 5:24; Rev. 2:10).
Gentleness. Better translated "meekness." It is a humble and gentle attitude that is
patiently submissive in every offense, while having no desire for revenge or
retribution. In the New Testament, it is
used to describe three attitudes: submission to the will of God (Col. 3:12); teachability (James
1:21); and consideration of others (Eph. 4:2).
Self-control. This refers to restraining passions and appetites (1 Cor. 9:25; Peter 1:5,6). “No law.” When a Christian walks by the Spirit and manifests His fruit, he needs no external law to produce the attitudes and behavior that please God (Rom.8:4).
Kindness. Tender concern for others, reflected in a desire to treat others gently, just as the Lord treats all believers (Matt.11:28,29; 19:13,14; 2 Tim.2:24).
Chipboard (cut 2) 6-1/4 x 3-1/4 inches
Specialty Paper to Cover Chipboard (cut 2) 6-3/4 x 3-3/4 inches
Layered Title Panels: 4 x 2-1/4 inches; 3-3/4 x 2-1/16 inches; 3-5/8 x 1-7/8 inches
(Round all corners)
You can choose your own embellishment for the cover, but if you are interested in Spirelli this is a pretty good tutorial:
Thank you for checking in today.